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Pup Paw Apparel Co. - Christmas Cheer - Dog Apparel






Easily Customizable

Pup Paw Apparel Co. - Christmas Cheer - Dog Apparel
Pup Paw Apparel Co. - Christmas Cheer - Dog Apparel

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  • REMY15

    Remy lovesss food even though he’s allergic to chicken and beef. He loves being outdoors and can be seen adventuring around looking for hidden treasures. He loves to sunbathe all season!


    Bowser loves playing fetch and balls. He also loves eating anything and everything.Loves cuddling. Hates swimming but loves jumping into water. Boo loves cuddling with his mama. Loves sticks, the bigger the better! He hates peanut butter and loves to sniff everything.

  • LOOFAH15

    We are the dramatic Shiba duo. Definitely not a fox, or the typical Shiba that you know. Our personalities are opposite of each other, except we are both super cat like and super sassy. You will never know what we want, because we always change our mind!

  • BOWSER15

    Bowser looks tough but he’s afraid of everything (including cardboard boxes and puppies). His big smile is definately one of his best traits β™‘

  • MAYA15

    Maya loves her treatos especially cheese. Very independent, stubborn, playful shiba and lazy at times. She loves to play fetch, but will be a 50/50 if she brings it back to you. Favourite pass time is to nap or bother her hoomans.

  • ARLO15

    Arlo loves water (swimming in it, drinking it, chomping on it). Will do anything for sticks - thinks he’s still a lapdog - loves belly rubs!

  • MISO15

    This is Miso! He loves to adventure and sniff every blade of grass he sees. He will sell his soul for a beef liver treat and he’ll only bring the ball halfway back.

  • TOBY15

    Toby is a 1 year od mini Sheepadoodle. He knows many tricks (including "burrito"), loves the water and playing with friends. He loves all treats with the exception of apples (he gags). You can always find him with a stick in his mouth and can always be found smiling β™‘

  • GOGUMA15

    Goguma is an absolute cuddle bug! His favourite past time is either snacking or naps. He hates the door bell and will bark bloody murder. He usually sleeps upside down.


    Truffle is 100% food motivated and literally eats anything except for lettuce. He loves going out but he gets motion sickness whenever he's in the car. His biggest enemy is the vacuum cleaner (regardless of its size and shape).

  • BANDEE15

    Bandee loves playing in the snow in the wintertime and hiking in the summertime. He loves people, dogs, and playing with balls. He hates vacuums and loves head scratches and belly rubs.

  • BUFFY15

    Buffy is so timid. She is very scared of the torch lighter, flower watering bottle and the nail trimmer. She loves going to our bed in the middle of the night.

  • SIMBA15

    Simba is a self-appointed Branch Manager and is passionate about his job (he would trade his hoomans for a stick any day). He's a short dog, but makes up for height with his big attitude. His most popular party trick: the whisper bark

  • PLUTO15

    Pluto is the sweetest boy! He loves water, loves carrying or chewing on sticks and his favorite toy is tennis balls (he has 50+ at home!) He is a mama's boy, 80lbs lap dog! He is a goofy boy with his signature side tongue

  • BOND15

    Bond loves doing anything for a treat! He loves being on squirrel pawtrol, going on walks and seeing friends. Bond is naturally a guard dog but he’s all bark no bite. He’s quite scared of the vacuum, luggages, hampers or anything unknown.

  • KONA15

    Kona is a sock thief. She loves the snow and cold weather and Will do anything for chicken or lamb or steak! She is a little goofy and a little sassy and loves belly rubs!

  • FINLEY15

    Finley is a true foodie and will do anything for food. He loves playing with his flirt pole and is a social butterfly as he loves meeting new people, especially if they give him pets and treats!

  • CODY15

    Cody is a big mama’s boy as he loves being around his mama! He is picky with his food and loves going to the dog park. Fun Fact: Cody is a dental mascot for a dental office.


    Rhubarb enjoys going to the dog park and loves playing with other dogs. Rhubarb like to regularly go to the local Farmers Market and howl at firetrucks.

  • HUSKY15

    Luka loves treats, cuddles, and daycare. He loves his brother (usually) but doesn’t like when he pulls on his tail. Koa loves swimming and chasing the hose. He also loves bananas!

  • POPPY15

    Poppy loves outdoors adventures but also loves couch time. She loves exploring new trails hiking, waterfalls and playing fetch. She is super cuddly and always wants to be with her humans. She loves cheese and belly rubs.

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